My coach showed me the putting arc and within two weeks of using it everyday for 20 minutes a day, I shot 61 with 23 putts. I have not had more than 28 putts per round since I got the putting arc. I have more confidence on the greens than ever before. The putting arc is going to be the difference in me making the Canadien tour next year!

I recommend this product to everybody!

Thank you

Jeremy Hendrix,Tour Hopeful

Once in a while we are fortunate enough to come across a product that’s so simple and exact that it’s perfect….
The Putting Arc fits into that elite category….It’s one of those products that I marvel at the ingenuity behind it…
It’s a “perfect” golf exercise, and there are maybe half a dozen of those in existence…
A perfect exercise is one, that if you will do it, will lower your scores….
The “arc” is with me all day, every day….Use it, improve….
That’s pretty sweet….

Ben JacksonTeaching Professional Stonington Country Club Stonington, Connecticut

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