V.J. Trolio is a Putting Arc co-inventor. V.J. is the current teaching pro at Old Waverly Golf Club in West Point, Mississsippi, site of the 1999 Women’s Open and the 2006 Women’s Mid-Amateur.
He is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi. He also played for four years on the USM golf team. V.J. set the season low scoring average his senior year and was only USM golfer to ever qualify for the NCAA Championship.
He also has twice won the Assistant Pro Sectional Championship and finished second in the national championship in 2003.V.J. has worked with many junior golfers, including two state high school champions in the last three years, as well as the current Mississippi Junior State Champion in the 14/15 age group.
To learn more about VJ or to schedule a lesson please visit his website at www.troliogolf.com.